Need Help?


I help working professionals get their finances in order

This is a professional who has helped others in situations like you to improve their financial situation and achieve their financial goals, if you are experiencing challenges in managing your debt, Income, Retirement, Estate Planning the services of a Financial planer/ Coach can truly make a difference.

Our founder Sherace Pinnock, who is a Certified Financial Planner

Absolutely, this step is crucial to a solid foundation. ensuring we vibe well and I have the requisite skills to help

Absolutely!!! As a financial fiduciary (someone with a legal responsibility to manage other’s money) I am obligated to maintain strict confidentiality and I wouldn’t want to have it any other way

We can assure you that getting your finances in order is one of the best decisions you can ever make throughout your life. It involves unlearning and unpacking habits that you have learnt over the years so we know it will not be easy, having someone in your corner makes a world of a difference though and that’s who we are, your trusted financial partner. At the end of the day, the final decision will be up to you, whether you make it now or later we will be there for you.

With your transparency and commitment, all we need is for you to show up and do the work. We will be doing the hard part, putting together your strategic plan and keeping you accountable.

Most sessions will be virtual, from time to time an in-person session may be necessary.